Sunday, 30 April 2017

Update on my second job

I thought I should give an update on my second job.

Unfortunately, the managers decided to wind back the work and there is nothing for me to do. I haven't had a shift since October 2016 and there is no work in the foreseeable future. Not just for me, for all the employees.

In some ways, since I've spent a lot of time dealing with the separation from my husband, this has been a good thing. I've also noticed that I've been able to be more productive in my day job because I'm not as tired from the weekend work.

In positive income news, I received a raise in August which was worth more than my part time job was annually. That has certainly helped things significantly. I'm very aware of how lucky I am to have such a great job, and to have a generous pay increase thanks to moving up through the bands within our Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. As long as I can demonstrate that I'm performing my role and learning and growing each year, I *should* get a progression. So there is a possibility of a similar raise again this coming August, but I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch there. Things are tight in my work industry, but as far as I'm aware from my Manager, progression payments have been circled off from any cutbacks.

Not having the second job has meant that I've also been able to be more present for my family through some pretty difficult times in the last few months. We've had illnesses and we lost one of my grandparents early this year so being able to drop everything and be there was important.

As my daughter gets older, I find myself not wanting to make sure that I can be present for her, and as she gets older her schedule with her own Dad (who she normally visits every other weekend) becomes more unpredictable. Working a weekend job and unpredictable teenager schedules doesn't really work. Perhaps losing the job was a blessing in disguise.

Financially, I haven't found its made any difference, thanks to the raise. Actually, having that extra income this year would have pushed me into a higher tax bracket, increased the amount I'd have to pay in levies through my tax, and removed the very small amount of social security assistance that I receive. I'd be working harder, for very, very little, if any, gain.

I'll keep my ears open and if a lucrative opportunity comes up I'll grab it, but otherwise I'm going to leave the second job for the time being.

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